Terms of Use


  1. The terms and conditions below apply to all coaching and mentoring services provided by Gallowglass Athletics to any individual or organisation (“the client”) and constitute the contract for the service to be provided by Gallowglass Athlectics  for the client. The term ‘coaching’ as here used covers the instruction and use of Gallowglass Athletics programming options. Coaching is not psychological counselling or any type of therapy, and should not be construed as such.
  2. In return for the fees payable by the client (or by a third party on their behalf), Gallowglass Athletics agrees to provide the service(s) as described below and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The client agrees to pay fees for the service on the terms and conditions set out below (in situations where a third party pays the fees, the third party counts as an agent acting on behalf of the client).
  3. The date that the first personal programming coaching session takes place shall be deemed to be the start date for the service. Participation by any individual in the first coaching session constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. The client will be required to sign a contract with Gallowglass Athletics at the commencement of personal programming coaching.

Responsibility & Commitment

The client has sole responsibility for any decisions they may make following Gallowglass Athletics programs. Gallowglass Athletics accepts no liability for the client’s actions. Gallowglass Athletics  has no liability for any loss incurred by any client, whether financial or otherwise, following commencement of coaching sessions or on the basis of any advice or documentation given by Gallowglass Athletics. Gallowglass Athletics recommends all clients consult with a licensed medical professional prior to engaging in any physical activity. 


  1. Personal information or business information supplied to Gallowglass Athletics  by the client in coaching sessions will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to a third party without the client’s prior permission, save where required by law.
  2.  Gallowglass Athletics will respect the client’s privacy and seek written permission before disclosing they are a client.
  3. Gallowglass Athletics does not retain any client cardholder account data. Payments are processed via a secure merchant gateway

Coaching Programs

  1. Gallowglass Athletics offers two different programs, Point Proven Programming and Personalized Programming.
    1. Point Proven is an on your styled program where Gallowglass Athletics provides the information to the client they need in order to do the workout. Gallowglass Athletics does not instruct the client on how to do the workout. 
    2. Personalized programming includes remote assessment of the clients movement via videos and online sessions.

Cancellation & Rearranging Coaching Sessions

  1. If the client needs to rearrange a coaching session, they should provide at least 48 hours’ notice and contact iwoditthatway@gmail.com
  2. The client may terminate their coaching contract at any time. No refunds will be due however. Any services that have yet to be provided at the time of cancellation will therefore be deemed as having been provided.
  3. In the event of extraordinary circumstances occurring that prevent Gallowglass Athletics  from providing its services as contracted, then Gallowglass Athletics  shall be required to refund any outstanding fees due for services not rendered.
  4. Gallowglass Athletics  can elect to terminate the service to the client early or refuse to provide any further support services should Gallowglass Athletics deem the relationship unworkable.